The public education system is remote, underfunded and when a child leaves the system after the 6th or 7th grade, “they may not be able to write their name.” The “schools” may be held under a tree with sticks and dirt for writing materials. Many children are killed and injured each year when storms and lightning hit the trees the children have sought for shelter.
Those in the 13 remote villages are impoverished and rely on assistance for food and supplies. Most of the young people have departed for the large cities, although they end up jobless and in the chaotic slums. They do not have food, kerosene for heat, nor salt, soap or other personal hygiene items. Many people eventually starve.
Many are dying of malaria as the water is dirty. We have a high maternal and infant mortality because of malaria. By providing clean water, so many problems are fixed. Children don’t have to miss school because they are fetching water. Mothers are able to care for their family as they have not fallen ill.